Waist circumference and health
A strong waistline is a symptom of metabolic syndrome. This somewhat obscure term does not designate a specific disease, but a set of risk factors linked to our lifestyle. A kind of disease of the 21st century! Precisely, it designates the association of different symptoms: low rate of “good” cholesterol, obesity (especially in the belly, the site of particularly harmful visceral fat), arterial hypertension, blood sugar disorders (diabetes, prediabetes), high triglyceride level.
In France, this syndrome affects on average 23.5% of men and 17.9% of women, i.e. between 5 and 7 million people. What causes it? Overweight in the first place, but also sedentary lifestyle, stress, which acts on hormones regulating food intake and promotes the consumption of sweet products, as well as smoking or a predisposing genetic ground.
By watching your belly, you protect your health
Problems: the body’s metabolism is out of order, which ultimately puts it in danger, increasing the risks stroke, heart attack, cardiovascular disease, liver problems, ovarian cysts… “Taking into account the evolution of the weight of the population, the metabolic syndrome will concern more and more individuals, underlines Dr. Pierre Nys, endocrinologist nutritionist. Hence the interest, and even the necessity, of preventive measures. , especially if you are part of a family at risk. With some exceptions, it is possible to prevent the associated pathologies and put a stop to this galloping epidemic in the long term. “
Protecting your metabolism is quite simply protecting your life, your figure, your brain skills, your well-being… For this, it is usually enough to adopt a healthy lifestyle. No time to waste, let’s get started right away!
How to measure your waistline?
Beyond 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men, it is an abdominal obesity of the “android” type. It is dangerous for heart health, unlike obesity of the “gynoid” type, which is localized on the lower body. Action is needed.
• To measure it, use a tape measure and place it between the navel and the last ribs.
In which case should we react?
We speak of metabolic syndrome when a person combines three of the five criteria listed in the table below.
1. Abdominal perimeter
> 102 cm (men)
> 88 cm (women)
2. Fasting blood sugar (blood sugar level)
> or = 1.1 g / liter
3. Triglycerides
> or = 1.5 g / liter
4. HDL cholesterol
<0.4 g / liter (men)
<0.5 g / liter (women)
5. Blood pressure
> or = 130/85 mm Hg