Tel Aviv University researchers conducted a large-scale study to understand the effects of vitamin D on asthma. They analyzed the medical data of 307,900 people whose vitamin D levels were measured between 2008 and 2012.
The results of the study revealed thatasthma correlated with vitamin D deficiency. Of the 4,616 asthmatics with vitamin D deficiency, 15% experienced at least one asthma attack in the year before their first vitamin D test In comparison, among 8,265 asthmatics whose vitamin D levels were normal or above the norm, only 11% had had one at the same time.
“Statistically, it therefore appears that the risk of crisis asthma in asthmatics with vitamin D deficiency is 25% higher than in others, ”says Dr. Confino-Cohen, allergist and co-author of the study.
“People with asthma should have their vitamin D levels measured. In the event of a deficiency, I recommend that they see a doctor for a supplement,” concludes Dr Confino-Cohen.
“Asthma patients can suffer from sleep disturbances, discomfort and difficulty in exercising. Increasing levels of vitamin D can be done easily and could improve their quality of life ”.
An essential vitamin for health
While vitamin D appears to be effective in reducing asthma, it is essential for health. It allows the fixation of calcium on the bone to consolidate it and would prevent heart disease.
However, a recent study by the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) reveals that more than half of French people (58%) lack vitamin D, with a concentration of less than 20 nanograms per ml of blood. 15% are even deficient (less than 10ng / ml). In order not to be insufficient, it would be necessary to have at least a blood concentration of vitamin D between 30 and 45 ng / ml of blood.
Vitamin D is found in oily fish, egg yolks and organ meats, but it is mainly produced by our body when our skin is exposed to the sun. “An exposure to the sun, the practice of a physical activity and the maintenance of a stable and” normal “weight would make it possible to fill up with this nutrient essential for health”, according to the researchers of Inserm. But, be careful, vitamin D supplementation should absolutely not be done without medical advice.