Acne, not easy to get rid of. However, between creams, serums, food supplements and antibiotics, many solutions exist to overcome it.
Among the eccentric solutions to this skin problem, which still affects four out of five teenagers and 20% of adults, there are sometimes implausible ideas, from snail slime to egg white, via mustard. And today, Martha Christy, an American naturopathic consultant, provides us with a new one: urine.
Urine is not sterile
“Rich in enzymes, antibacterial agents, vitamins and minerals, urine is an excellent remedy for acne, eczema and psoriasis, explains Martha Christy. This substance has been used in medicine since antiquity, and it’s free.” And the author adds that it would be enough to spread it regularly on the face to find a baby’s skin and get rid of its unsightly pimples…
“To date, no scientific study has proven the effectiveness of such a treatment”, however explains Dr. Rob Hicks, questioned by the DailyMail. “Therefore, I tend to advise against it.” Moreover, and contrary to popular belief, urine is not a sterile liquid, and can therefore contain germs and bacteria… No question, therefore, of using it as a dermatological treatment!
Discover 4 things that urine can reveal about your health…
You are also given 3 (effective) solutions against acne.