Who hasn’t dreamed, as a teenager, of having the perfect excuse to skip class? Or tempted to call in sick on the pretext of an imaginary stomach ache? At the Covid-19 area, teenagers have found another technique, which consists of falsifying antigenic tests, reveals France Inter.
Antigenics are criticized for being unreliable, especially in the face of Omicron. There would be a large number of false negatives… But obviously, these tests also have a lack of reliability in the other direction, they could be easily made positive, as evidenced by the wave of #Fakecovidtest videos on social networks.
Kiwi, beer, lemon…
Teenagers have fun testing all kinds of supermarket products to see the two bars appear on the cassette: ketchup, compote, kiwi, beer, coke, lemon… Young people are not short of ideas for making the tests lie and avoiding a week of school.
These biased results could be linked to the acidity contained in the products cited above, recognizes with France Inter Lionel Barrand, president of the union of medical biologists. But beyond the joke useful to followers of the school truant, these reactions alert not only on the reliability of these tests, but also on the sensitivity.
Moreover, their manuals include very precise mentions as to the method of production, so that nothing other than the nasopharyngeal content comes into contact with the product.
Read also:
- Covid recovery certificate and vaccination pass: how to get it?
- Covid-19: how is it possible not to catch it when living with a positive person?