It is not good to be unemployed and that the heart can also suffer!
The enemies of the heart are well identified: tobacco, diabetes, high blood pressure, lack of physical exercise, all these elements are not good for the arteries in general and for those of the heart in particular, because they promote their clogging. And when they are blocked, it is a heart attack and a heart attack.
And unemployment would be added to this list?
Yes, according to an American study of nearly 14,000 adults aged 51 to 75. It shows that job losses and short periods of unemployment constitute a risk of developing a myocardial infarction. And this risk is increased by almost 30% during the first year of unemployment.
And this risk remains when periods of unemployment recur?
Yes, as if there was a cumulative effect of the number of work interruptions: for a single job loss, it is increased by 22%; for 4, it rises to 63%, or the equivalent for cardiologists, of the harmful effect on the arteries of tobacco, diabetes or high blood pressure.
Do we know why?
Mainly because of stress! A stress which acts directly on the arteries of the heart by accelerating the heart, by increasing the blood pressure, by modifying the coagulation. But unemployment is often associated with increased smoking, alcohol and food consumption.
Do the results differ depending on the type of job you lost or even the gender you belong to?
No difference according to sex, race, type of work, socio-economic level or even the age of entry into professional life. During periods of unemployment, especially if they are repeated, stress, all by itself, does its damage at low noise!