Ten days of temporary incapacity for work (ITT). A nurse was prescribed these 10 days of ITT following an assault she suffered at the home of a patient in La-Fos-Sur-mer in the Bouches-du-Rhône. The information is reported by France Blue Provence.
Back to the facts. Thursday March 15, a nurse accompanied by a student went to the home of a patient at the end of her life. The latter’s state of health deteriorated. The two women administer care but fail to save the patient who dies. The children of the deceased then violently attack the two caregivers. They “brutalize the nurse, insult her, treat her as a murderer, threaten her with death,” explains France Bleu Provence. The ordeal lasts two hours. Two endless hours during which it rains verbal and physical violence. The two professionals try to flee in vain, their passage is blocked.
The intervention of the emergency services put an end to this episode of violence which ended in 10 days of stoppage for the nurse. She decided not to file a complaint. “She says she understands the pain of the family,” said France Bleu.
Non-isolated cases of violence
This news item illustrates the discomfort felt by healthcare professionalsin front of insecurityand working conditions at home but also in the hospital. In 2016, 14,508 acts of violencewere registered in health establishments according to the 2017 report of the National Observatory of Violence in Health (ONVS). 70% of these acts are committed by patients against staff.
Verbal violence represents 14,872 attacks (66%) and physical violence 7,769 (34%). The victims are for 47% of the nurses, followed by the other nursing staff (45%) and the doctors (8%), specifies the report.
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