We already know that having a television in your room is not recommended. And for good reason: it would have an impact on sleep or on the life of couple. In children, the consequences would be even more important, if we believe any news study conducted by Iowa State University (USA) and published in the journal Developmental Psychology.
Increased risk of obesity and addiction
After following children who had a TV in their bedroom, the researchers found that they spent less time reading and sleeping, which had an impact on their education. These children also played more violent video games, which affected their behavior. But that’s not all: researchers also claim that having a television in a child’s room increases the risk ofobesity and of addiction at video games.
How to explain this phenomenon ? “When children turn on the television in their bedrooms, they are probably not watching educational shows or playing educational games,” said Douglas Gentile, lead author of the study. This psychology professor adds that the first predictor of addiction is access. He therefore has a simple and effective advice for parents: do not install a television in their child’s room. “It’s a lot easier to never allow a TV in the bedroom than to take it off,” he concludes.
Read also :
Alzheimer’s: more than 2 hours of TV per day increases the risk
Children learn more from TV when they watch it with their parents
TV in the bedroom makes children obese