The different phases
You probably know that you suffer from hot flashes. But how long does the transition actually last and what periods do you experience?
The menopause (or climacteric) begins in most women between the ages of 40 and 50. You can distinguish three periods in it: the peri-transition, the transition, and the post-transition.
The peri-transition
In the first period, the peri-menopause, the menstrual pattern slowly changes. The production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone then begins to fluctuate. In this period of time, especially women with a stressful life suffer more from fatigue, headaches and depression.
Stress costs the body a lot of energy and can seriously disrupt the hormone balance. Therefore try to avoid tensions as much as possible by setting priorities and not taking too much on your fork. A long bike ride or walk is an ideal way to release built-up tension.
Healthy and responsible food helps to keep your hormones in balance. In addition, you can take a natural supplement to help your body regain its balance.
The second period is the transition. Menopause occurs during this period. The word menopause is made up of the Greek words for ‘month’ and ‘ceasing’. So it literally means that the last menstrual period is a fact. During the menopause, physical complaints slowly develop due to a shortage of estrogen. Because the body produces fewer female hormones, you will have to deal with physical and mental discomfort. The disrupted hormone balance leads to hot flashes, more frequent urination and mood swings.
The post-transition
The last period is also known as the post-transition. Hormonal changes still occur during this period, but the symptoms diminish quickly. The body has almost adjusted to the new situation.
Natural solutions
Women often think that the menopause is a natural process and it will pass by itself. They don’t go to the doctor because they find it scary. Afraid of hormone supplementation.
But the transition is a process that drags on for years. Hot flashes, depression, inner restlessness, poor sleep, dry skin. But also vaginal dryness and poor sleep due to night sweats.
It can sometimes be difficult for the partner to understand and that can lead to relationship problems. Especially if there are also emotional aspects due to the hormone fluctuations.
But you can do a lot yourself, so that you feel fitter and better in balance again. Take good care of yourself and look for natural solutions.