What a pleasure for children to celebrate the holidays by jumping on a trampoline. This activity is however more risky than it seems. According to the Permanent Survey of Home Accidents (EPAC) from Santé Publique France, trampolines are increasingly a source ofaccidents over the past 10 years.
18 times more trampoline accidents in 10 years
The institution collected information from the emergency services located in 15 French hospitals between 2004 and 2014. Among the 581,592 everyday accidents recorded among under-18s, 4,154 were trampoline or mini-accidents. trampoline. Remarkable fact: while the frequency of trampoline accidents in sports and play areas remained broadly stable between 2004 and 2014, it was multiplied by 18 for trampoline accidents that occur at home, in particular among 5-9 children. years. The main cause of this explosion of accidents is the increase in the number of households owning a trampoline in their homes. The accidents recorded more often concerned girls (2,253 compared to 1,901 boys) and the most frequent causes of the accident were falls (73%), physical overwork (15%) and bumps and shocks (10% ). Santé Publique France also noted that the most common injuries were contusion (30%),sprain (29%), the fracture(25%) and the wound (5%).
Only one child at a time on the trampoline, under the supervision of an adult
Faced with this worrying finding, Santé Publique France recalls the recommendations for the prevention of the use of trampolines defined by the Consumer Safety Commission:
- only one child on the trampoline at a time
- do not jump to get on or off the trampoline
- do not do somersaults or somersaults
- limit playing time on the trampoline
- do not leave the child without adult supervision.
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