October 3, 2008 – Total Biology therapists in Quebec engage in questionable, even dangerous practices, according to a report aired on the show Investigation, from Radio-Canada1.
It features therapists – most of them without medical training – who claim to be able to cure all illnesses, including serious illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS.
The report also reports practices that go completely against conventional medicine, with some therapists encouraging their patients to drop or delay their medical treatments.
The journalistic team notably infiltrated a training seminar in France, given by Claude Sabbah, “pioneer” of Total Biology. During the six days of the seminar, Sabbah questioned the very foundations of medicine, accusing her of being the source of the disease herself.
Formerly a doctor in France, Claude Sabbah was struck off the profession. Accused of illegal practice of medicine, fraud and manslaughter, he would consider settling in Quebec, according to Radio-Canada.
The Principles of Total Biology This approach – criticized from all sides – states that all illnesses arise from unresolved psychological conflict. |
Slippages in Quebec
In addition, journalists pretended to be suffering from cancer to film their consultation in Total Biology, using hidden cameras. Some scenes are disturbing:
- Allegedly suffering from prostate cancer, the journalist receives four different verdicts. One of the therapists consulted recommended that he postpone his biopsy during the Total Biology treatment. Another “told” him to say a prayer aloud 30 times a day.
- Total Biology therapists give their clients naturopathic receipts for reimbursement by their private insurer.
- Despite her title of doctor, a woman receives a client in Total Biology. She reassures her by confiding that the cost of the consultation will be paid by the Quebec health insurance plan, since she will “pass” the session for psychotherapy.
- A chiropractor from Quebec, who at the same time practices Total Biology, recommends that a cancer patient “do nothing, let go of the disease”, which will heal itself.
Lack of scientific evidence |
After the report was broadcast, the Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec (OCQ) has also published a press release in which it asks chiropractors to file a complaint if their chiropractor treats them at the same time in Total Biology.2.
It should be noted that in Quebec, the College of Physicians would have received only one complaint relating to Total Biology. This comes from a doctor who said he was worried about one of his patients, who refused to be treated because she was followed in Total Biology.
According to the Radio-Canada report, dozens of deaths in Europe are attributable to Total Biology.
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Martin LaSalle – PasseportSanté.net
According to Radio-Canada
1. To view the report: www.radio-canada.ca [consulté le 3 octobre 2008].
2. See the OCQ press release: www.newswire.ca [consulté le 3 octobre 2008].
3. On this subject, see our fact sheet on Total Biology.