It is well known that healthy skin is well hydrated skin! And well hydrated skin vs’is also a skin less prone to the first signs of skin aging! In order to meet this essential need, Laboratories Biovive have developed the cream of vitality, a treatment organic face and vegan composed of 99% ingredients of natural origin and inspired by gemmotherapy– the science of buds for health and beauty skin. This cream is in the running for the Top Health Prize 2021 in the Organic Cosmetics category with the label Cosmebio.
The cream of lifethereityis based on the benefits of gemmotherapy:veritablesconcentrates of life, the buds are rich in native cells vegetable which alone contain theenergy vital necessary to the growth of an entire tree. Combining a complex of 3 fruit tree buds–peach, fig, cherry – vitality creamdistills sare properties regenerative unique and helps protect the skin, preventing and correcting the signs of aging. The buds, harvested fromatn the regions of Auvergne and Languedoc are harvested sustainably and responsibly to preserve the good health of the trees.
vitality creamfits perfectly into new urban lifestyles and becomes a daily care that can apply morning and evening. Its universal texture, respectful of all skin types, regardless of age and type, is aimed at both men and women. Entirely made in France, from sourcing active ingredients through to manufacturing, this cream is packaged in eco containers–responsible: pot glass, cardboard from sustainably managed forests and printed with vegetable inks. Through this flagship product of its skincare range, Biovive is committed to preserving an original, generous and polysensory nature, optimized by science but never transformed. vitality cream–stands out as a a true everyday ally, a simple and essential product to use for greater self-respect and respect for nature.
This product is labeled Cosmebio. Beyond the minimum percentage of naturalness and organic origin required, labeled organic cosmetics are part of a global ethical approach. Green chemistry, transparent communication, respect for the worker are some of the requirements set by the labelCosmebio
The vitality cream-first signs of aging, Laboratories Biovive34 €