In France, 10% of the population is affected by hearing loss. Mainly linked to a natural decline due to age, it represents one of the most widespread disabilities. In these times of health crisis where isolation within the family itself accentuates the need to maintain social ties, it is essential to be able to detect the first signs of hearing loss in order to put solutions in place. However, having your hearing checked is not as settled a reflex as having your eyesight, heart or cholesterol level checked. That’s why Amplifon is implementing an awareness campaign to encourage hearing loss screening, now. This communication work participates in the Top Health Prize in the Prevention Campaign category.
Multiple studies show that hearing loss can lead to many serious health consequences: when hearing deteriorates, the brain is not stimulated as much as before, which can lead to depression, cognitive disorders or loss of memory… The widespread wearing of masks also accentuates the importance of good hearing: because it makes lip reading impossible, it muffles sounds a little, our ears must be reliable, including to understand the nuances in the voices. Moreover, in these times of social distancing, maintaining a link, by telephone or via screens is of paramount importance to avoid suffering from the lack of contact and it is not always easy when you do not hear GOOD. For all these reasons, Amplifon aims to democratize hearing screening. Thanks to them, it is possible to make an appointment free of charge in one of the 700 Amplifon centers in France to carry out a free hearing assessment. Conducted by an Amplifon audioprosthetist according to an exclusive test protocol, this comprehensive inventory allows any hearing loss to be detected immediately. This free screening lasts between 40 minutes and 1 hour and is scheduled by appointment in order to protect the weakest among us during a pandemic. The Amplifon team is at your disposal to welcome you in a safe and personalized way. Following this assessment, you will then be able to discover the hearing solutions adapted to your problem. To assist you in your choice, you will have the possibility of doing a 30-day trial of two new generation hearing aids, free trial and without obligation in order to see their effect in real conditions.
The earlier hearing loss is diagnosed, the more effective the solutions. It is formally recommended to act at the first signs and not to postpone treatment. So what are you waiting for to make an appointment?
Hearing screening, free, in all Amplifon centers in France.