A mixed success for this second edition of “Moi (s) sans tabac” which ended this Thursday, November 30, 2017: the health agency Public Health France has identified “only” 157,000 registrants, against 180,000 for the month of November 2016.
However, the health authorities are pleased with “a great collective enthusiasm”: 706,000 smoking cessation aid kits were distributed in French pharmacies, against 637,000 “only” in 2016.
Some additional figures: the site www.tabac-info-service.fr (on which smokers could register) received 1.2 million visitors and the dedicated telephone line (3989) received nearly 12,000 calls. The coaching app set up for the operation was downloaded almost 95,000 times.
Among the good students: Île-de-France, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Occitanie
The regions which counted the most participants in this “Tobacco Free Month” 2017 edition are Île-de-France (24,700 registered, for 2.1 million daily smokers), Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (18,100 registered, for 1.5 million daily smokers) and Occitanie (15,000 registered, for 1.3 million daily smokers).
Nevertheless, France still has some progress to make. There are around 16 million smokers nationwide, and 32% of people aged 15 to 85 are addicted to cigarettes – 36% of men and 28% of women. It should be remembered that tobacco kills 73,000 French people every year: half of the victims die young, between 35 and 69 years old; 90% of lung cancer is caused by smoking.
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