If there was a drink who stops time, that would be known! But it is true that some help to fight against the misdeeds of age. This is particularly the case of green tea which contains flavonoids and catechins, powerful antioxidants which actively participate in the fight against cardiovascular diseases and cancer, among others.
Closer to our culinary traditions, the wine can boast of anti-aging virtues thanks to its tannins. However, there is still alcohol and therefore to be consumed in moderation, not only to avoid drunkenness (and all the accidents it can cause), but also because alcohol is a risk factor for heart disease. vascular and cancer.
Water, above all…
It remains the only useful and essential drink for our body. “It moisturizes at the same time as it eliminates the waste products produced by our metabolism. A good hydration is therefore one of the keys to anti-ageing nutrition,” recalls Florence Piquet. His advice: choose water that is low in mineral content and as pure as possible. Mineral waters are to be consumed for an additional supply of minerals (magnesium, calcium, etc.), hence the importance of varying and alternating brands.