THE nitrites And additives are the main criticisms made of ham. If ANSES advises limiting the consumption of cold meats to 150 g per week, this is because it contains nitrites. These food additives are used in processed meats to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria such as salmonella or listeria and to avoid the production of toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum.
It is also the nitrites which give their pink color with ham.
The problem is that several studies have established a link between nitrites and the appearance of colorectal, prostate or breast cancer.
It is also the content of salt which can be a problem in ham. Cold meats are one of the saltiest foods, to limit if you have high blood pressure.
How to make the right choice in the ham section? Top Santé shares with you the best references according to Yuka. Although ham remains a food to be consumed in moderation, you can still treat yourself from time to time. Some brands have made efforts to reduce the level of salt and additives.
The 6 references of nitrite-free ham
Yuka is an independent mobile application allowing you to scan food products and obtain clear information on their impact on health.
Regarding hams, Yuka takes into account the nitrite content, salt content and its origin. A selection of 6 references would be nitrite-free, which is good news for your health!
Discover the prize list of the hams highest rated by Yuka on the market (76/100):
-Simply organic Fleury Michon ham (2 and 4 slices), nitrite-free
-Organic French ham Fleury Michon (2 and 4 slices), nitrite-free
-Herta stewed ham (2 and 4 slices), organic, nitrite-free
-Bonval superior organic cooked ham without rind (2 slices), without nitrite salt
-Elibio superior cooked ham (4 slices), organic, nitrite-free conservation
-Organic U rindless superior ham (4 slices), nitrite-free