Mandatory vaccines may soon no longer be. This is a suggestion from the Technical Committee on Vaccinations, in an opinion mentioned on November 5 during a press point.
The vaccine obligation soon lifted? The Technical Committee on Vaccinations (CTV) of the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) is in any case in favor. This is what the president of the CTV, Prof. Daniel Floret, said on December 5. The High Council issued an opinion in which it evokes a possible lifting of the obligations.
“The ball is in the political court”
Not all vaccines are compulsory in France. Only those against diphtheria, tetanus and polio are still subject to an obligation for all French people. In addition, there is the vaccine against yellow fever for Guyanese people, and those against hepatitis B and typhoid in certain professional circles. The president of the CTV explained during a press briefing that he was “not sure that we should do public health with obligations. »Contacted by why actor, he explains the Committee’s position on the matter.
Listen to Daniel Floret, President of the Technical Committee on Vaccination : ” It’s going to be an argument showing the advantages, not important, and the disadvantages, of which there are many. “
The High Council of Public Health has already issued this opinion, but it will not be made public. Rather, it should be seen as a line of work for MEPs. “The ball is in the political camp,” summarizes Daniel Floret. Indeed, the vaccination obligation is enshrined in the law. Lifting it or not is a matter of legislation.
Listen to Daniel Floret : ” It is a political and a societal problem. We, the High Council of Public Health, are not in charge of this. “
The issue of lifting vaccination obligations could be integrated into the health strategy presented in April 2014. But there are many obstacles to such a measure, firstly the fear of a drop in vaccination coverage. “We are almost the only country to have vaccine obligations,” objected Daniel Floret. “Why would that pose problems in France than elsewhere? However, he recognizes the existence of a risk.
Listen to Daniel Floret : ” If vaccination obligations were to be lifted, measures to prevent a drop in vaccination coverage would be needed. “
“Recommendations must have force”
The Vaccination Technical Committee recommends the implementation of “recommendations” instead of an obligatory vaccination. Because the end of an obligation does not mean that getting vaccinated will become optional. Daniel Floret advises the creation of a “statute on recommended vaccinations so that they are not perceived as optional. This is the problem that arises in France, and it must be resolved, because recommendations are assimilated to a possible choice instead of a necessity.
Listen to Daniel Floret : ” Whether or not the vaccination obligation is maintained, the recommendations must have force. “
If the vaccine obligations can be useful, we observe with the MMR vaccine (Measles-Oreillons-Rubéole), not compulsory, that many French people are protected against these infectious diseases thanks to a vaccination from early childhood. Proof that a strict policy is not necessarily necessary.