With 12 kilos consumed per person each year, the tomato is the favorite fruit of the French. Scientists from the Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA) have taken on the challenge of creating a tomato that perfectly meets the following criteria: taste, color, shape and conservation. After several years of research, they succeeded in developing a tomato rich in flavors and not very greedy in pesticides.
Rounder, more red and tastier tomatoes
This new variety, which currently has no name, comes from the Garance tomato, another INRA creation born five years ago.
“The goal is to find tomatoes which have taste, but which are also transportable, conservable and not very greedy in inputs”, explains Philippe Mauguin, CEO of Inra, to Agricultural France. Indeed, once picked at maturity, they can be stored for eight days at room temperature. Their resistance to all kinds of diseases reduces the amount of pesticides used to grow them.
But we will have to be patient to be able to taste this perfect tomato … It must first be tested by professional restaurateurs before making its appearance in supermarkets.
In addition to the multiple possibilities of receipts of cuisine it offers, the tomato also has many beneficial effects on health. Rich in vitamins (C, A, B), fiber and antioxidant (lycopene), this fruit-vegetable would help to prevent risks of Cancer. It is excellent for the heart, and its juice reduces symptoms of the menopause. To consume without moderation !
Read also :
Tomatoes reduce the risk of skin cancer
Prostate cancer: 2 tomatoes a day to prevent it