Replace the sugar with sweeteners would not be a good idea. At least that’s what the World Health Organization says. According to this authority, these substitutes do not “ do not help control body mass or reduce the risk of weight-related diseases “. Acesulfame K, aspartame, sucrose, stevia and its derivatives are part of a long list of products targeted by the global body.
The WHO adds that sugar should be replaced by something other than sweeteners. “This WHO conclusion is nothing new, it is just the confirmation of regular results of scientific studies on the issue. Remember that consumed in too large quantities on a daily basis, refined sugar can impact health and lead to the onset of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. Sweeteners had been presented as the ideal alternative, but it turned out that they were not, since they posed other health problems. Afterwards, it is obvious that the quantity consumed must be taken into account. It is not the same thing to use them systematically in high doses or to use them once in a while “, underlines Laurent Chevallier, nutritionist doctor. So, how can you replace sugar without using sweeteners?
Be wary of commercially available natural sugars
First, you must first sort through the so-called “natural” sugars offered on the market. For example the brown sugars. Brown sugar, brown sugar, blond sugar or even brown sugar are sometimes sold as healthier alternatives, but this is not entirely the case… These sugars have also gone through refining then caramelization, and have a similar glycemic index (GI 65-70) to that of white sugar and will be therefore to be avoided.
Whole sugars also increase blood sugar
Whole sugars like Rapadura or Muscovado are sugars that have not undergone any refining and have a naturally caramelized taste. They thus retain all their nutrients, but their glycemic index, remains close to that of table sugar. You will therefore have to be equally careful with the quantity consumed.
Focus on natural substitutes: fruit!
“ The ideal of course remains to completely get rid of the sweet taste by going in stages. For example, if you are used to putting two sugars in your coffee, you go to one and a half, then one. Otherwise, we can resort to natural substitutes such as fruits. The advantage being their natural side and their richness in fiber which satiates, regulate intestinal transit and reduce the absorption of toxins and bad fats. They also slow down the assimilation of carbohydrates », Indicates the expert. Banana puree, for example, allows you to sweeten pastries in a natural way.
Of the Red fruits mixed can replace sugar or sweeteners in dairy products. “ Commercial or homemade compotes without added sugar are also of interest because they provide a sweet taste in a homemade cake, and do not have the disadvantages of sugar or sweeteners. This does not mean that you should consume it excessively, but as an alternative to sugar, it is undoubtedly the best solution. », concludes the nutritionist.