The female orgasm has long remained a great mystery to many scientists. Not automatic, it is linked to sexual intercourse and yet, two scientists from Yale University and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital believe to have found its origin in this track.
During orgasm, women ovulate
Why do women have orgasms? This is the question that scientists of this world have been asking themselves for millennia and yet it is still a great mystery. However, two scientists believe to have found its origin and published their work in the journal JEZ-Molecular and Developmental Evolution.
Obviously, to unravel this mystery, researchers had to look at mammals, in order to better understand women. Many intimate relationships have been scrutinized: those of cats, rabbits, elephants, primates … The researchers noticed that during the hormone surge (which corresponds to orgasm in humans), females were ovulating.
Anatomy is different depending on the individual
According to the authors of the study, in some animal species, the male would cause ovulation and allow reproduction as in the cat. However, it is a ” things that have undergone the most changes in humans “. Orgasm is therefore ” spontaneous »In humans and ovulation is punctuated by cycles. In contrast, this means that a few million years ago, a woman had to reach orgasm in order to ovulate.
Anatomy also plays a role in this evolution, because there is a real difference between the clitoris of females and that of women (the former being very close to the sexual canal or even inside the vagina). Orgasm also allows attachment to the person who gives it to us. Effectively, prolactin and oxytocin are released. The latter, also known as the hormone of happiness, provides well-being responsible for the feeling of attachment, which strengthens the bonds of the couple.
Read also: 10 things you don’t know about orgasm