Cancer: a scary word, a disease that disrupts a course. Why Doctor has collected the testimonies of patients whose lives have changed positively after this ordeal. Today, the testimony of Philippe, affected by two leukaemias.
“During my fight against my second leukemia, I kept a blog. I told, often with humor, my daily life, which was nevertheless very hard. It was a great help for me as a patient, because I thus kept a foot in real life, a daily exchange with my family, my friends, my followers
Silence is suffering, the confession of emotions soothes. I say that it helped me to keep one foot in life, because when you are confronted with cancer and hospitalized for a long time, you tend to think only of the disease and be tempted to isolate yourself. , until sometimes moping. On the contrary, it is necessary to be an actor. Not an actor in his illness, but an actor in his life in the face of this ordeal.
“Part of the healing is in the environment”
Very arbitrarily and in an unscientific way, I think that 70% of the victory against cancer is attributable to medicine (a huge thank you goes to doctors, caregivers, pharmacists and researchers). Then there is 10% of the healing that comes from those around you. A well-supported patient finds reasons to survive. Cancer is a leap into the void; relatives can be the life-saving rubber band. There is also, it must be admitted, 10% which is due to fate. Some cancers with good prognoses, unfortunately, end badly and conversely, others, with unfavorable prognoses, manage to overcome the disease. Finally, and this is where I’m coming from, there remains 10% of healing that belongs to the patient. Wanting to live, to fight, wanting to win against cancer, wanting life to go on, is essential in the face of adversity.
When I had my first leukemia, an experienced nurse told me, “You’re so desperate to fight, you’re halfway there. »
My numbers are not his. None of them are scientific, but they matter!
During my second leukaemia, the psychologist who accompanied me said to me, when I expressed my fear to her in the face of the second bone marrow transplant that was waiting for me: “If you program the cells of your brain to win , those of your body will follow. It was a different wording, but it meant the same as the nurse a few years earlier. Part of the healing is the responsibility of the patient.
“A survival reflex”
I do not want to claim that cancer is cured by the mind, but I do say that the latter has an essential role to play. 10% maybe. Maybe even more.
Just as it has been proven that an unsupported psychological shock can weaken our immune system and constitute a catalyst in the onset of pathologies, it must be admitted, on the contrary, that combative attitudes are correlated with better chances of recovery.
Each case is unique. Each individual is unique. Each cancer is unique. Some patients are quite naturally in the fight as soon as the disease is announced. Maybe it’s a survival instinct. Others find it difficult to straighten their heads in the face of this brutal injustice that is the announcement of cancer. For them, being a fighter and keeping an optimistic attitude in the face of the difficult ordeal that presents itself cannot be decreed. You don’t wake up one fine morning with the rage to live if you didn’t have it the night before. I repeat: each case is different. Everyone deserves a personalized approach. But I believe that it is then necessary to refer to a Buddhist proverb which says: “There is no big difficult task which cannot be cut out in a sum of small easy tasks. » For a cancer patient, this proverb, to try it is to adopt it!
Small tasks can take different forms. Psychological support is beneficial. Stress management exercises, such as what is called “cardiac coherence”, are beneficial. Sophrology, yoga, meditation can also be supports.
Whatever suits us best, we must act and have no reluctance to be helped.
And then it’s the opportunity to learn to listen to your body, to feel it better, to understand it a little more and to help it, in the present moment, for example with a positive and encouraging consideration for it. “
To read more testimonials or tell your story, go to Facebook page CmyNewMeWhere website. A book bringing together these stories of rebirth is in the process of being published.