You can not stop progress. At a time when we are tearing up connected watches for exceed your athletic performance, it could well be that this daily coaching is invited into our bed. Next autumn the new operating version for iPhone iOS9 will offer a health application “Health Data” which will include an option called “Reproductive health”. A pompous name to qualify neither more nor less a database of your sexual activity. In this connected logbook of your sexuality, you will be able to record your frequency of past intimate relations, their duration, if you have used protection.
This wizard will allow you to have an overview of your sex life, to determine if you are addicted to sex or if on the contrary you should do a little more somersaults.
These intimate data will be alongside other intimate information that you can also provide information on the reproductive health application: data on menstruation, the result of the ovulation test or the quality of the cervical mucus (substance produced by the glands located at the back. cervix level).
Gynecological tool, sex coach or disguised voyeurism. Still, the data recorded on the application will fall into the bosom of the firm at the apple. Not sure that the idea of seeing your private data excites many users.
And you what do you think of this application? Would you be ready to provide data on your sexuality? React on the forum!
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