The College of General Medicine (CMG) believes that Covid-19 requires you to really see your general practitioner, because teleconsultation alone is insufficient.
- The symbolic milestone of 100,000 deaths linked to the coronavirus epidemic in France has officially been exceeded.
- The government maintains the objective of reopening places of culture, restaurants and shops in mid-May.
Faced with the boom in teleconsultation, “face-to-face consultation should be preferred for patients with Covid-19”, valued the College of General Medicine (CMG).
Covid-19 can lead to a rapid deterioration in health, especially within 6 to 12 days of its appearance, even when the initial symptoms are mild. To prevent this risk, the College of General Medicine contributed to the drafting of two rapid responses from the High Authority for Health, which reaffirm the fundamental role of general practitioners in detecting the aggravation of patients diagnosed positive for Covid-19.
2020 was the year of the teleconsultation explosion
These opinions recall the danger of hypoxia without shortness of breath, which justifies the need for a medical evaluation by a clinical examination and should encourage face-to-face consultation. “This monitoring is a particular challenge for patients at risk of serious forms, who can now benefit from enhanced monitoring by a pulse oximeter (or saturometer) prescribed by a doctor. specify the generalists.
With 19 million procedures reimbursed by social security, 2020 was “the year of the explosion” teleconsultation. Before the epidemic, Health Insurance recorded barely 320,000 acts in 18 months since the start of reimbursement in September 2018. For the National Council of the Order of Physicians (CNOM), “the care of patients, exclusively by teleconsultation, undermines the ethical requirements of quality, safety and continuity of care”.