The Ceylon cinnamon (Cinna-momum zeylanicum or Cinnamomum verum J. Presl.) is a tree native to the island of Ceylon, present-day Sri Lanka. It is now grown in many countries, India, Brazil, Madagascar…
Like the noble laurel, camphor trees or rosewood, the cinnamon tree belongs to the Lauraceae family. “Kinnamomom” was the name used by Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and botanist, to designate the plant. This word comes from the verb “Kineim”, meaning “to wrap”. At that time, cinnamon was known in Greece only in the form of small rolls of bark. In Antiquity, this precious spice was the object of many desires. As for the Egyptians, they used it to embalm their dead. Which says a lot about its antiseptic power!
Nowadays, the bark of the cinnamon tree is steam distilled to obtain an essential oil which is used to prepare many remedies. Cinnamon is also very popular in cooking in many Anglo-Saxon countries and in the Middle East. It is used in the preparation of dishes, liqueurs, chocolates… It is not forbidden to be greedy, because it is antioxidant and would help to control type 2 diabetes.
Infusion for flu condition
Runny nose, fatigue… this infusion can act from the first symptoms.
– Put 30 g of flowering thyme tops in 1 liter of simmering water. Cover and let infuse 10 to 15 minutes. Filter.
– In a large cup, put 1 large dessert spoonful of thyme honey, 1 or 2 drops of EO (essential oil) of Ceylon cinnamon. To mix together.
– Add a little infusion to the cup, then stir again. Pour the contents of the cup into a Thermos, fill it with the infusion.
How to use it ?
Drink this herbal tea, throughout the day, for 6 to 7 days.
Slimming massage oil
“Warming” and thinning, the essential oil of cinnamon facilitates the destocking of fats.
– In a 50 ml tinted glass bottle, put 20 drops of Ceylon cinnamon EO, 80 drops of Atlas cedar EO, 80 drops of pistachio lentisk EO and 20 drops of Italian helichrysum.
– Complete with calophylle inophyl oil, then mix.
How to use it ?
Massage the part of the body concerned, morning and evening, for 15 days. This treatment can also prevent bedsores (or “bed sores”) during long-term immobilization.
Digestive antigastro herbal tea
This aromatic blend cleanses the entire digestive system, especially the intestines.
– Put 15 g of thyme flowering tops and 10 g of peppermint leaves in 1 liter of simmering water. Cover and steep for 10-15 minutes. Filter.
– In a large cup, put 1 large dessert spoonful of honey, 1 drop of Ceylon cinnamon EO, 1 drop of bay leaf EO and 1 drop of fennel EO. To mix together. – Add a little infusion to the cup.
To mix together. Pour the contents of the cup into a Thermos, fill it with the infusion.
How to use it ?
Drink this digestive herbal tea, throughout the day, for 4 to 6 days.
Friction “special white fingers”
Cinnamon essential oil warms the extremities in case of Raynaud’s disease: the fingers turn white for a few minutes when they are exposed to cold.
– In a 50 ml tinted glass bottle, put 100 drops of Ceylon cinnamon EO, 100 drops of Italian helichrysum EO, 200 drops of cypress EO and 200 drops of pistachio mastic tree EO.
– Complete with vegetable oil of inophyl calophyll (50%) and oily macerate of arnica (50%). To mix together.
How to use it ?
In the event of an attack, vigorously massage the extremities with this preparation.
Infusion against hypertension
Cinnamon would help reduce blood pressure. Attention, it can in no case be substituted for a drug treatment without medical advice: You must first talk to your doctor.
– Put 15 g of hawthorn flowering tops, 15 g of lemon balm leaves, 10 g of olive leaves with 10 g of cinnamon bark in small pieces in 1 liter of simmering water.
– Cover and leave to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes. Filter. Pour the infusion into a Thermos.
How to use it ?
Drink this herbal tea throughout the day, for 15 days to 3 weeks.
Sexual tonic massage
Using this massage oil could be very stimulating!
Pour in the palm of your hand a little vegetable oil from apricot kernels. Add 1 drop of Ceylon cinnamon EO, 1 drop of mountain savory EO and 2 drops of ylang-ylang EO.
How to use it ?
Massage your partner’s back in the evening, before going to bed.
Precautions for use with essential oils – Before using an essential oil, place a drop in the crook of your elbow. If no redness appears after 30 minutes, it is suitable. – Avoid contact with the eyes. – Seek medical advice in case of pregnancy or breastfeeding and for young children. – For all preparations, follow the protocols described: quantities, duration of treatment, etc. |
For further
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