According to NGC-Data® data, new car registrations in France fell by 3.2% in November 2021 compared to the same month last year, which was however strongly penalized by the second confinement. At the end of November, the automotive market maintained a slight increase of 2.5%.
The data NGC-Data® in November 2021 reveal a little the extent of the slump in which the sector finds itself. Indeed, car registrations have fallen by 3.2% compared to the same month last year, accumulating only 121,995 units. The month of November 2020 had however been greatly slowed down by the second confinement (it had fallen by 27%), in particular forcing the concessions to close their showroom to the public. Car deliveries had certainly been made, but at a much slower pace. Finally, the shortage of semiconductors and the lack of stock at distributors are proving to be even more damaging to the automobile trade. The market is down 29.4% compared to November 2019 (172,735 units).
Despite a 22.6% drop in registrations, Peugeot took first place in the market in this eleventh month, posting a small share of 16.1% (17.3% cumulatively). The lion brand is ahead of Renault by a short head (15.5% share), whose registrations fell by 11%. Citroën has signed a jump of 14.7% and posted a penetration of 10.8% (9.9% cumulative).
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Tesla ahead of Ford in November

Other brands growing in November include Dacia (+ 66.6%), Kia (+ 34.6%), which ranks eighth in the market automotive over this month (3.3% share), Hyundai (+ 108.2%) and Tesla (+ 298.9%). Conversely, some have lost big, like Volkswagen (- 31.8%), whose market share fell to 5.2% (6.4% cumulatively). The brands of the Volkswagen group are suffering at the end of the year since Skoda (- 26.1%) and Seat (- 29.1%) show double-digit declines. “We have sourcing situations that are strained across all of our brands, so we focus our talk more on product than discount. We continue to optimize our volume / price ratio at present, informs Xavier Chardon, Chairman of the Executive Board of Volkswagen Group France. Today, our performance on orders is better than our performance on delivery, all brands combined. We have over 80,000 cars in our portfolio. The situation is rather positive and from now on we must manage to deliver this portfolio ”.
Opel (- 20.1%) and even more Ford (- 45.1%) also showed notable falls. On this month, the American brand is pushed back to the 15e market place with a small share of 1.6% (2.6% cumulatively). It is even preceded by Tesla.
Peugeot secures first place

At the end of November, the French market was still in the green: + 2.5% for a total of 1,500,885 registrations. As a reminder, new car registrations were up more than 50.1% at the end of May. In November, the market suffered a sixth consecutive decline. Compared to the same period in 2019 (2,003,089 immat.), losses amount to more than 500,000 units. Peugeot will therefore end this 2021 financial year in first place (share of 17.3% over 11 months), with a fairly comfortable lead compared to Renault (16.1%). A small event. Overall, French manufacturers will lose ground this year, at the expense of the Kia, Hyundai and Toyota brands.