New study provides insight into the biochemical mechanisms by which Tai Chi may provide physical and psychological benefits in older people.
A new one study from Journal of Neuroimaging provides an overview of the biochemical mechanisms by which Tai Chi, a body-mind exercise, can provide physical and psychological benefits.
Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a non-invasive method of measuring brain and muscle chemistry using MRI machines, tests performed on 6 elderly people enrolled in a 12-week Tai Chi program revealed a significant increase in a marker of neuronal health in the brain and a significant improvement in the recovery rates of a metabolite (small molecule) involved in energy production in the muscles of the legs.
Objective measures
“The benefits of Tai Chi are well known anecdotally; however, recent research like our study can quantify these improvements using objective measures,” said Dr. Alexander Lin of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical. School, also author of the study.
According to the sources, Tai Chi can be defined as “a Chinese system of physical exercises specially designed for self-defense and meditation”, “a martial art based on the balance between strength and weakness, firmness and flexibility” or ” a traditional Chinese martial art based on a gesture, slow, round and harmonious “.
In addition, getting into sport, even late, has extremely positive physiological impacts, as recalled by a recent study.