Due to the menopause I suffer from vaginal dryness and the skin quickly breaks during sexual contact (inside labia). I don’t want to use Synapause because it makes me itchy. On the internet I read about vaginal moisturizers. Most of the ones I find like Lubrin are no longer on the market. Could you advise me a remedy? I’m looking for a product that maintains the moisture level, so no lubricant.
Henriette Schoones, Sexologist NVVS/relationship therapist
Dear Cora,
I hear good reports about Replens from practice. This medicine is used to prevent vaginal dryness, atrophy and itching. It’s not a hormonal drug. You have to insert it vaginally once every three days and it consists of eight loosely packed tubes.
It is still for sale at the better drugstore. It is not cheap because it has to be imported from America.
Henriette Schoones
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