Every year, France records 140,000 new cases ofstroke. Before the age of 75, there are 55% in men and 45% in women. After age 75, the relationship becomes more balanced, given the advancing age factor and better life expectancy among women.
Generally 80% of strokes are ischemic in nature. That is to say, a clot migrates to the brain and stops blood circulation in this area. The remaining 20% being so-called hemorrhagic strokes. In other words when a vessel bursts in the head. “In general, these often result from neglected and/or uncontrolled arterial hypertension and therefore not having been the subject of treatment by a doctor”, specifies Dr. Claude Kouakam, cardiologist at the University Hospital of Lille.
Strokes, the leading cause of death in women
According to the Agir pour le cœur des femmes foundation, cardiovascular diseases are still the leading cause of death among women in France. Every day, they kill 200 French women, or 75,000 women a year. However, in 8 out of 10 cases, it can be avoided by screening and appropriate treatment. “Between 20 and 30, half of women smoke and take the pill. This mixture promotes the accumulation of deposits in the arteries and increases the risk of stroke”, reminds the cardiologist.
The first step to consider is therefore to perform a lipid blood test when being prescribed the pill. Gynecologists prescribe it at this time for this reason. “If there is a family history of hypercholesterolemia or cardio-neurovascular, this assessment is even more justified”, says Dr. Kouakam. Pregnancy can also pose a risk of stroke due to episodes of hypertension during this period. Here again, a good follow-up makes it possible to detect patients at risk.
Physical activity is one of the most effective means of prevention
Apart from the inexplicable causes which occur in half of the cases in young women, it is always the hygiene of life which appears to be the most “simple” prevention to adopt. Smoking cessation must be part of the first preventive measures. If it is too difficult, do not hesitate to seek the help of a tobacco specialist. The chances of success are very high with good care. Then, a sedentary lifestyle must absolutely be combated. “We can never repeat it enough but physical activity remains one of the most effective means of prevention”, adds the cardiologist. Finally, food also remains the sinews of war. Too much saturated fat, salt, sugar lead to overweight, and sometimes obesity. This promotes cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, etc., risk factors for strokes. It is essential to take care of your plate and, if necessary, to seek the support of a nutritionist. These three poles form the basis of effective prevention.
Thanks to Dr Claude Kouakam, cardiologist at Lille University Hospital.