Three unions are calling on general practitioners to close their cabinet from December 24 to 31. Representing 75% of the profession, they intend to protest against Marisol Touraine’s health bill.
Enough is enough ! The cup is full for general practitioners. Several liberal doctors’ unions are calling for the national closure of general medicine practices from December 24 to 31. THE’UNOF-CSMF (1), MG France, and the Federation of Doctors of France (FMF), all agree that the gravity of the situation in general medicine is such that union unity is a necessity. Together, these unions represent 75% of general practitioners. Returning to the substance of the debate, why do your explains the reasons which push these doctors to strike at the time of the holidays?
Students shun general medicine
Dr Luc Duquesnel, president of the UNOF-CSMF (main union of doctors) explains that for general practitioners, “every day brings its share of bad news. “The latest to date:” Health Insurance which recently asked them to fill out a three-page form to prescribe a new anti-cholesterol. Or the generalization of third-party payment which is confirmed, ”confides this general practitioner in Mayenne (53). With as consequences, according to him, “a profession which becomes less and less attractive to medical students. And a shortage of general practitioners lurking in France. “
Listen to Dr Luc Duquesnel, president of the UNOF-CSMF: ” The number of general practitioners has fallen by 7% since 2007. While that of specialists is up by 6.1%. “
Ile-de France no longer attracts general practitioners
And this lack of general practitioners does not only affect the medical deserts. The phenomenon is also happening in large cities like Paris, with -21% of the workforce in 7 years. This is explained by the too high price of real estate compared to the income of general practitioners. In fact, over this period, only the departments of the Atlantic coast and the Rhône-Alpes region saw their number of general practitioners increase.
A “statist” and “liberticide” health bill
In this already tense context, the straw that broke the camel’s back is undoubtedly Marisol Touraine’s health bill presented to the Council of Ministers on October 17. The UNOF, MG France or the FMF are fiercely opposed to it. All these unions judge him “ statist “and” liberticide ”.
First measure denounced, the “gas plant” of the Territorial Public Health Service. According to them, the device is “illegible” and aims to suppress the freedom of installation of the liberals.
These doctors even go so far as to say that the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) want to manage the distribution of patients in the practices and organize on-call schedules. Finally, according to them, this project advocates the whole hospital, to the detriment of the Liberals.
Listen to Dr Luc Duquesnel : “ Here we are going to focus everything on the hospital, it is the hospital that will be in charge of the territories. “
A childcare system will be put in place at Christmas
Finally, the general practitioners questioned are not afraid of losing the confidence of the French by going on strike during the holidays. Dr Luc Duquesnel and the UNOF will also organize an information and poster campaign for patients to make them understand the movement.
This doctor also explained that, during this period, the practices will continue to respond to emergencies, such as on holidays and Sundays.
In the end, the only patients penalized will be those who come for renewals of treatments or medical certificates. On the other hand, they will have to wait until January 2 to see their GP’s door open.
(1) National Union of French General Practitioners-Confederation of French Medical Syndicates