March 2, 2005 – Soy Isoflavones May Increase Fertilization Success Rate in vitro in infertile women. This is indicated by the results of a double-blind trial conducted by Italian researchers on 213 women.
In a recently published article1, the team of Dr Vittorio Unfer, Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Rome, reported that implantation of the embryo was more successful in women who took 1.5g per day of soy isoflavones2 following egg retrieval compared to those who took a placebo.
Since all of the women in the trial had received progesterone injections – in accordance with standard fertilization practice in vitro – the researchers concluded that in the women treated, the increase in the implantation rate of embryos as well as the number of pregnancies and term deliveries was attributable to the supplement of soy isoflavones.
Researchers believe that these phytoestrogens act on the endometrium – the inner lining of the uterus – by promoting implantation of the embryo. The fertilization success rate in vitro being relatively low, taking isoflavones could be beneficial.
However, it is believed that more trials will need to be conducted before systematically incorporating isoflavones into routine fertilization protocols. in vitro.
Pierre Lefrançois – PasseportSanté.net
According to Medical news.
1. Unfer V, Casini ML, Gerli S, Costabile L, Mignosa M, Di Renzo GC. Phytoestrogens may improve the pregnancy rate in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles: a prospective, controlled, randomized trial. Fertility and Sterility, December 2004. Vol. 82, No 6, 1509-13.
2. The isoflavone content of the tablets administered during this test was standardized to 40% to 45% genestein, 40% to 45% diadzein and 10% to 20% glycitein.