So easy and tasty recipe to make Soup with mussels and white leeks

Practical information
- Total time: 35 min
- Preparation time: 35 min
- Number of people: 4
- Difficulty: Easy
- Cost: Economical
- Type of cooking: Slow cooking
- Type: Flat
- Category: Soup
- Nutritional criteria: Low calories, Rich in fiber, Rich in omega 3, Lactose free, Egg free,
- Scrape the mussels and rinse them thoroughly under cool water. Clean the leeks then slice them finely. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
- Heat the oil in a casserole dish, add the peeled and pressed garlic clove then the leeks. Let them melt for 5 minutes, then add the mussels and diced tomatoes. Lightly salt, pepper and cover with water. Simmer 15 min.
- Divide into bowls and sprinkle with chives before serving.
Health tips
Tomatoes and leeks provide fiber; mussels, protein. And if, in addition, they are in shells, you need the time to detach them from them: all profit.