The risks of cancer, smokers are well aware of this; the risk of cardiovascular disease as well. But despite knowing the harmful effects of smoking on their health, it is another, more superficial aspect that bothers smokers: the aesthetic impact. Yellowing teeth, yellow nails, bad breath and wrinkles that deepen before their time, smokers don’t want that. They fear these physical manifestations more than the damage to health (because they are less visible?), according to a British poll reported by the Daily Mail.
The investigation conducted by VIP Electronic cigarettes a seller of electronic cigarettes is far from innocent. But it still reflects a concern little addressed by the media and health professionals. Half of the 1,500 current and former UK smokers who responded to the survey say they have tried or decided to quit because of cosmetic damage. Four out of ten admit to following a specific beauty routine intended to compensate for the harmful effects of cigarettes on appearance.
Tobacco damages the skin
“The effects of tobacco on cigarettes are visible every time you look in the mirror, whether it’s the deepening of wrinkles, discolored teeth or waxy complexion,” says Dave Levin, the company’s CEO and author of the study.
Several studies have proven that tobacco accelerates the aging of the skin and causes the appearance of so-called “smoker’s” wrinkles, particularly around the mouth and under the eyes. The skin also becomes drier and more vulnerable to external aggressions.
And you, would you be ready to quit smoking for aesthetic reasons?