For watch their line, some women try to be careful with the choice of portions on their plate and take care to opt for foods that are not too rich in sugars and fats. Problem, the packaging of many treats not recommended in case of diet or a balanced diet is careful not to clearly and visibly mention the little one. calorie bomb that it contains. If you are one of those who feel guilty as soon as you allow yourself a chocolate bar, a Nutella toast, you should find a way to reason with yourself (or assume your greed) by following the Instagram account @Caloriebrands.
This profile has opted to display conspicuously the calorie count of a number of very popular fatty and sweet products. “This is what brands should look like to help you achieve your summer slimming goals,” quips the Instagram account description.
Each photomontage is a vow of transparency in all sobriety: on each of the posts there is a known food product whose brand logo has been replaced by the calorie intake. So we discover that a Snickers has 250 calories, a box of original Pringles, 1320 calories; a bag of 162 calorie crisps, etc.
A reasoned food choice
One thing is certain: if you want to lose weight, the next time you want to snack or have a snack, you will think twice before choosing the ice cream or chips option.
These photos are also visible on the Tumblr
Read also: 6 healthy foods with almost 0 calories!
Slimming: 5 surprising ways to burn calories
Empty calories: where are they hiding and how to eat less