July 19, 2018.
According to a survey by Public Health France, there is an upsurge in sexually transmitted infections (STIs). But how to explain this phenomenon?
Infections that have tripled in 4 years
Sexually transmitted infections are on the increase in France, according to the health authorities. According to the French public health agency, infections due to chlamydia and gonococcus bacteria have indeed tripled in 4 years. In 2016, the number of people diagnosed with chlamydia infection has been estimated at 267,097 (491 per 100,000 inhabitants aged 15 and over), compared to 76,918 (91 per 100,000 inhabitants aged 15 and over), in 2012.
With regard to gonococcal infections, the number of diagnoses was 15,067 in 2012 and 49,628 in 2016 (91 per 100,000 inhabitants aged 15 and over). ” The very high weight of chlamydia and gonococcal infections highlighted by this survey underlines the importance of condom use and regular screening in the event of unprotected sex. », Commented the agency.
Infections often without symptoms
According to the agency, these figures are even underestimated because they ” do not take into account people who have not consulted, in particular because of the absence of symptoms, or who have not been the subject of a biological sample “. The agency therefore decided to launch a major awareness campaign on the site Onexpress. An opportunity to remind people of the importance of always having a condom with you.
The condom remains the best way to protect against these infections which can lead, if not treated, chronic pain or infertility but also increase the risk of HIV infection. They are very often ” silent “, That is to say without symptoms, especially in women. It is therefore very important to think about getting tested as regularly as possible.
Marine Rondot
On this same subject our file: Venereology