Better run than read to prevent Alzheimer’s disease!
It was long thought that reading scrabble, belote and sudoku, or painting on silk and makramé, in short, intellectual activities made it possible to slow down or even prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Well, here is another dogma that falls: indeed, it is better to do physical gymnastics than cerebral to keep your neurons in good shape, concludes a Scottish study carried out on nearly 700 septuagenarians who were made to pass a cerebral MRI. Result: those who had the least anatomical signs of aging in their brain were those who reported the most physical activity. And other studies have even quantified these benefits by showing that 30 minutes of daily walking would be enough to slow the mental aging of 5 to 7 years!
But, in fact, physical activity is advised at any age…
And this physical activity has even been called a true universal medicine. And who knows? It may one day be reimbursed by social security. The first step seems to have been taken because the current government plans to implement a real public policy of sport, health and well-being. Sports-health on prescription which, for the National Academy of Medicine, should be reimbursed by social security. The Academy actually advises that this somewhat particular drug should be subject to a medical prescription, whether or not to supplement treatment. But on one condition: that this prescription respects the rule of the 3 Rs: concretely define a regular, reasoned (which means perfectly adapted to the subject to whom it is prescribed) and reasonable activity, that is to say without taking any risk. So you have understood it, at this end of All Saints’ Day, do not beat the playing cards, but put on your sneakers!
TONational cademia of medicine. Physical and sports activities
Jacques Bazex *, Pierre Pène *, Daniel Rivière, Michel Salvador