January 10, 2006 – Gently and caringly touching someone with chronic pain can provide real relief, according to researchers in the UK. At least, these are the conclusions they draw from a series of clinical observations carried out from 1995 to 2001 on approximately 300 subjects. Their results were published in specialized journals in 2004 and 20051-4.
According to the researchers, this practice could help reduce the stress associated with the disease and allow the onset of a natural healing process or, at least, an improvement in the state of health of the subjects.
The patients were all treated at the Center for Complementary Care, a clinic in Great Britain run by one of the study’s authors, Gretchen Stevens, who personally treated 90% of the subjects.
Gretchen Stevens gives her technique the name of “Healing by gentle touch”. It is an intervention that is similar to therapeutic touch and Reiki, two therapeutic approaches in which the practitioner proceeds by laying hands on various parts of the patient’s body.
The treatment consisted of four one-hour sessions, spread over a period of four to six weeks. In the majority of subjects treated, there was a significant improvement in mobility and physical abilities, relief of pain, reduction in manifestations of stress and a marked improvement in general health. The authors notably report that 55% of subjects suffering from musculoskeletal disorders significantly reduced their use of analgesic drugs following these interventions.
It should be noted that these are clinical observations and not trials carried out with placebo and a control group. The subjects filled out a questionnaire before and after the series of treatments. Their responses were then analyzed by the researchers.
Of the 300 subjects who participated in the study, 147 suffered from mental disorders, 76 from musculoskeletal disorders, 30 from cancer, 21 from myalgic encephalomyelitis, 16 from gastrointestinal disorders, while the remaining subjects experienced various pains caused by respiratory disorders, skin diseases, cardiovascular disorders, multiple sclerosis and neuropathies.
Pierre Lefrançois – PasseportSanté.net
1. Weze C, Leathard HL, Stevens G. Evaluation of healing by gentle touch for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, Am J Public Health., 2004 Jan; 94 (1): 50-2.
2. Weze C, Leathard HL, Grange J, Tiplady P, Stevens G. Evaluation of healing by gentle touch in 35 clients with cancer, Eur J Oncol Nurs, 2004 Mar; 8 (1): 40-9.
3. Weze C, Leathard HL, Grange J, Tiplady P, Stevens G. Evaluation of healing by gentle touch, Public Health, 2005 Jan; 119 (1): 3-10.
4. Weze C, Leathard HL, Stevens G. Healing by gentle touch in musculoskeletal disorders, Spirituality and health international, 6 (4): 200–211 (2005), England.