Drop is a form arthritis caused by the accumulation of tiny crystals within the joints. In most cases, the disease is caused by too much uric acid in the blood, which leads to a severe inflammatory reaction. “There is an environmental part in the disease, including a food side” underlines Pr Pascal Richette, rheumatologist at the Lariboisière hospital (Paris) in an interview at Figaro.
For the specialist, all people prone to gout attacks should avoid certain foods as a priority: Red meatoily fish, seafood (which provide purines of animal origin) as well as sodas and fruit drinks that are high in fructose. “A study has shown that the intake of sodas was associated with a risk of developing the disease via a increased uric acid which creates chronic hyperuricemia, the basis of the disease”, explains Professor Richette.
According to Professor Thomas Bardin, also a rheumatologist at the Lariboisière hospital and president of the France Rhumatismes association, gout is making a comeback in our country. After surveying more than 10,000 people in France to determine the percentage of the population affected by the disease, he estimates that around 1% of French people suffer from gout.
Read also :
Physical activity prevents the risk of arthritis
What to know about gout