Cystitis from time to time can be treated very well. A single dose of antibiotics clears the infection and we don’t talk about it anymore. But 10% of women experience distressing variants. Either they present trailing forms: as soon as they stop the antibiotic, the infection starts again. Either they suffer from insidious forms: every two or three months, it starts again. Some are even constantly embarrassed, going from cystitis to yeast infection, from yeast infection to cystitis. Global support is therefore essential. Five tips that have proven their worth.
At home
Stay hydrated. The goal: to ensure a good diuresis, that is to say a good rate of urine flow. By regularly “washing” the urinary tract, the stagnation of germs is reduced. You still have to empty your bladder without waiting when the need arises.
Promote regular intestinal transit. It is absolutely necessary to fight chronic constipation, in particular the stasis of feces at the end of the colon, which favors neighboring infections. Among the solutions: a bag of sorbitol in the morning on an empty stomach with a large glass of cold water (a cold drink contracts the transverse colon, facilitating the progression of the fecal bowl).
Treatment side
Take long-term antibiotic treatment. For six months, three times a week, in small doses, just so that the germs do not multiply in the bladder.
Ensure correct estrogen impregnation. In the youngest, micro-dosed pills do not provide enough estrogen in the vagina. The same problem is encountered during menopause, this time for “natural” reasons. We can act by regularly putting eggs in order to maintain its mucous membranes.
Cranberries morning and evening. These small berries reduce the adhesion of bacteria to the bladder walls, halving the risk of urine contamination.
To find out more about cystitis with EurekaSanté, the general public medical site published by VIDAL.