August 8, 2016.
Reading at least 3:30 a week would be a good way to protect your brain from degenerative diseases. An American study even proves that frequent readers gain considerably in life expectancy.
Reading prolongs life expectancy
Reading is a declining activity among the French. But it could well find new followers, when they learn of this new study. According to research from the American University of Yale, reading would indeed be responsible for a longer life expectancy.
It would in fact be enough 3h30 of reading per week for the first effects of this activity to be felt on health.. To reach these conclusions, these scientists interviewed 3,635 people aged 50 and over. These participants were divided into three groups: regular readers who say they read more than 3h30 per week, average readers who read up to 3h30 per day and those who do not read or read very little.
Reading to reduce the risk of degenerative diseases
The researchers noticed that people who didn’t read were 23% more likely to die prematurely compared to regular readers, compared to 17% compared to average readers. ” People who report reading little, even half an hour a day, had a significant survival advantage over those who do not read “, Notes Professor Becca Levy, author of this study, for the Daily Mail.
This clear difference has not been fully explained by researchers, who believe, however, that, since physical activity protects physical health, reading would protect mental health. Thus, reading would be a good way to slow cognitive decline and preserve memory, thereby reducing the risk of developing a degenerative disease.
Read also: Reading to your child, a guarantee of success