When I come my right ball shoots up. He won’t be in my scrotum anymore. Then the ball just sinks back in. Is this normal? And does this have bad consequences for the future?
Jan (17)
Henriette Schoones, Sexologist NVVS/relationship therapist
Dear Jan,
What you have is called a retractile testis. The opening of the inguinal canal is then a little too wide and the ball shoots up due to the cremaster reflex. The cremaster reflex is the reflex that, when the thigh bone is stimulated, causes the cremaster muscle to contract, causing the balls to be pulled up.
The cremaster muscle is part of the system that regulates the temperature of the testicles. The muscle is attached to the testicle, so the ball can also be pulled towards the body.
If the ball just comes back into the scrotum (scrotum) there is nothing to worry about. This also does not affect the fertility and nothing is being done about it surgically. So it’s not something serious. I hope I have reassured you with this.
Henriette Schoones
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