Like a general practitioner from Plouray suspended by the Order, 100 doctors were questioned for professional incompetence in 2015.
After fifteen months in office, the only general practitioner in Plouray (Brittany), 1,100 inhabitants, was suspended from his duties. Coming from Romania, his knowledge was insufficient, judged his peers. A case which shone the spotlight on doctors from abroad. Contacted by Why actor, Dr Eric Jouen, President of the Departmental Council of the Order of Physicians of Morbihan, enlightened us on the real reasons for this sanction.
“No problem with foreign doctors”
To begin with, this angiological doctor clarified that it was not a question of a sanction, “but of an administrative suspension” which was pronounced against Dr. Dan Viorel. It will last eighteen months, while our colleague takes additional training, then takes an exam again. Which he refused to do, ”he explains.
To understand what the patients reproached him for, Dr Eric Jouen explains that initially “it all started with anonymous letters sent to the Order. Then we received signed letters. ”
In more detail, the man recounts incidents during consultations. “The patients were amazed at the way he looked. For example, he didn’t make people undress. It is however necessary when one wants to listen to the heart or that one makes a pulmonary auscultation. On the other hand, there were no complaints about diagnostic errors, or prescription. And no problem either on the communication side with this practitioner, ”he says.
Dr Eric Jouen insists that the problem is “unique to Dr Dan Viorel. In Morbihan, there are about fifteen other Romanian general practitioners with whom we have no problem. They are very competent ”.
A majority of liberal doctors
Moreover, professional insufficiency exists for all physicians. In an interview with Doctor’s Daily, Dr. André Deseur, vice-president of the Order of Physicians, has indeed revealed that during the first half of 2015, “there were around a hundred referrals to regional councils, under professional incompetence. Only three or four resulted in a dismissal ”.
He adds: “We are analyzing the data: about 70% of the suspensions were pronounced against liberals, and 30% against hospital workers. About 50% concern general practitioners, and 50%, other specialties. Among the latter, anesthesia-resuscitation and obstetrics gynecology predominate. “
Impossible to say the share of doctors with a foreign diploma “since the foreign origin of the diploma of certain doctors is never invoked in the files which one sees arriving.
We find behavioral problems, integration within a team, or an accumulation of errors. “