On April 10 and 24, the French will elect the President of the Republic. In 2022, health is at the heart of the campaign after a five-year term marked by the Covid-19 pandemic and the public hospital crisis.
Nathalie Artaud: lifting of the industrial secrecy of the labs
The candidate of Lutte Ouvrière recalls this in her program “unlike (the) politicians, I don’t make election promises“. The only mention of health concerns the end of industrial and commercial secrecy, in particular for large pharmaceutical laboratories”who were able to freely set the prices of vaccines against Covid without it being possible to know their cost of production“.
His full program here : https://www.nathalie-arthaud.info/mon-programme-de-luttes-194041.html
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan: helping hospital staff
The candidate of the party “Debout la France!” Nicolas Dupont-Aignan wishes:
- Create a scholarship for medical students to fight against medical deserts;
- Grant bonuses to hospital staff;
- Double the number of palliative care units;
His full program here : https://2022nda.fr/
Anne Hidalgo: mental health great cause of the quinquennium
The Socialist Party candidate wants:
- Increase the reception capacities of medical schools in order to train 15,000 new doctors per year, and thus fight against medical deserts;
- Consolidate the role of the public hospital as a pillar of French health, by strengthening the involvement of health actors, local elected officials and citizens. To relieve emergencies, Anne Hidalgo wants liberal doctors to resume duty hours, mainly on weekends;
- Give priority to public health and prevention by implementing a major plan for the prevention and management of the chronic diseases that most affect our population: cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases.
- Make mental health the great cause of his five-year term, in particular by recognizing burnout as an occupational disease.
His full program here:https://www.2022avechidalgo.fr/notre_programme
Yannick Jadot: launching an emergency plan for the public hospital
For Yannick Jadot, candidate of the Europe-Écologie-les-Verts party, the Covid-19 crisis “confirmed the extreme fragility” of the health system. It proposes:
- An emergency plan for the public hospital: recovery of the debt, increase in the number of beds, introduction of caregiver/patient ratios, hiring of 100,000 nurses and raising the salary of caregivers by 10ù;
- To put an end to medical deserts by providing that the last year of internship (medical studies) and the first two years of practice be carried out “in areas lacking doctors” in return for installation aid;
- To supervise the drug industry.
His full program here : https://www.jadot2022.fr/programme
Jean Lassalle: replacing the ARS with departmental agencies
The candidate Jean Lassalle wishes:
- Encourage doctors to settle in medical deserts, by financing studies for doctors who undertake to stay six years in medical deserts and by reducing access to hospitals to less than 40 minutes anywhere in the territory;
- Open 20,000 new hospital beds and recruit 100,000 nurses and caregivers;
- Replace the ARS (regional health agencies) with DDASS: departmental directorates of health and social affairs.
His full program here : https://jl2022.fr/
Marine Le Pen: 20 billion euros for health
Launching a €20 billion emergency health support plan is the 14e point of the candidate’s program of the National Rally. With these 20 billion euros, Marine Le Pen plans to:
- Put a stop to the closing of beds in public hospitals and maternity wards;
- To increase the salaries of nursing staff working in hospitals and to put in place strong financial incentives for caregivers to eradicate medical deserts;
- Invest in health technologies in order to repatriate the manufacture of medicines to France.
His full program here : https://mlafrance.fr/programme
Emmanuel Macron: make prevention a priority
The candidate “En Marche!” to his own re-election wishes:
- Step up the fight against medical deserts (telemedicine, changes in the functions of pharmacists and nurses, etc.);
- Prioritize financial incentives and support for doctors who settle in deserted areas over coercive measures;
- A fourth year of internship in a medical desert on a voluntary basis;
- Fight against disability (increase the participation of people with disabilities in social life, systematically raise awareness of disability in schools, increase the allowance for disabled adults beyond 900 per month, ensure access to a ) school life assistant to all children with disabilities, etc.);
- Make prevention a priority thanks to the creation of a 3-month health service for all health students (in order to intervene in particular in schools and companies for prevention actions), better remuneration for doctors in town in order to better promote preventive actions;
- Glasses and hearing aids: 100% coverage for 2022 without increasing the price of mutuals;
- 100% reimbursement of the treatment of severe forms of arterial hypertension.
His full program here : https://en-marche.fr/emmanuel-macron/le-programme/sante
Jean-Luc Mélenchon: the abolition of fee-for-service
The candidate of La France Insoumise proposes:
- The establishment of the 100% Secu to reduce inequalities in access to carei.e. 100% reimbursement of prescribed health care;
- To provide the French with a local public hospital health service less than 30 minutes for each French person;
- The removal of the numerus clausus;
- The abolition of fee-for-service (T2A) in hospitals and return to a financing system with a global allocation;
- Raising the income of health professionals and recruiting 100,000 caregivers;
- The launch of a major mental health plan, with more doctors and caregivers and beds for the psychiatric sector;
- To intensify the fight against the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, the first factors of premature mortality;
- To legalize and supervise by a state monopoly the consumption, production and sale of cannabis for recreational purposes under conditions allowing the fight against addiction.
His full program here : https://melenchon2022.fr/programme/
Valérie Pécresse: access to care 30 minutes from home
The Republican candidate wants to set up a “health emergency plan” and embarks on a “zero desert medical“. This will go through:
- The training of 4,000 junior doctors of general medicine by 2025, in order to offer everyone access to care less than 30 minutes from their home;
- The creation of 25,000 caregiver positions;
- The consultation with the general practitioner will increase to 30 euros without an increase in the remainder payable by the patient;
- The halving of the average time to obtain an appointment by the end of the five-year term.
His full program here : https://valeriepecresse.fr/
Philippe Poutou: 100% reimbursement of all treatments
The candidate of the New Anti-Capitalist Party proposes:
- More means for the public hospital with the immediate revaluation of 400 euros per month and salary grids;
- The creation of health centers throughout the territory;
- The prohibition of excess fees, the abolition of deductibles and hospital packages;
- 100% reimbursement of all prescribed care and medication and generalization of third-party payment;
- The removal of patents from the pharmaceutical industries;
- Access to abortion for all: abolition of the conscience clause for abortion, extension of the legal deadline for abortion to 24 weeks, reopening of abortion centers and closed abortion hospital beds…
- Facilitate PMA with the opening of PMA to trans people, full reimbursement of PMA courses, establishment of filiation for both parents…
- Free contraceptive methods for all even after 25 years.
His full program here:https://poutou2022.org/programme
Fabien Roussel: developing local healthcare establishments
The candidate of the French Communist Party plans:
- A hospital development plan with 100,000 jobs created and an end to bed closures and establishment privatizations;
- The development of local hospitals: each living area should have a healthcare facility less than 30 minutes by land transport from the patient’s home;
- The disappearance of fee overruns and the generalization of third-party payment;
- The opening of 12,000 places per year in medical school (instead of 8,000 currently) and the creation of 100,000 jobs in all care professions.
His full program here : https://www.fabienroussel2022.fr/le_programme
Éric Zemmour: abolish State Medical Aid
If he is elected President of the Republic, the candidate Éric Zemmour wishes:
- Restore the duty of on-duty doctors and have 1,000 doctors hired by the State;
- Remove the Regional Health Agencies;
- Abolish the AME (state medical aid);
- Put an end to assisted reproduction for single women and couples of women;
- Waive the extension to 14 weeks to proceed with an abortion.
His full program here:https://programme.zemmour2022.fr/
Read also:
- Covid long: a new roadmap and 20 million euros to better manage the disease
- Mutuals: why are prices increasing in 2022?
- Ehpad Orpéa scandal: what you need to know