Too much work at home, wanting to watch our favorite series late at night… Whatever the reason, many of us don’t get enough sleep.
In a study titled “The Interactions Between Sleep Patterns and Self-Control,” psychologists at Clemson University in California concluded that those who are sleep deprived have more difficulty making decisions and are also more likely to to carelessness.
Dr. June Pilcher, co-author of the study, explained that “self-control is part of everyday decision-making. When faced with conflicting desires and opportunities, self-control allows us to maintain control. Our study showed how sleep habits and self-regulation are related to each other and how they can impact an individual’s functioning. »
Otherwise, a lack of sleep can also increase the risk of having other health problems, such as weight gain and high blood pressure.
In summary, the more energy we have, the more we are able to make difficult decisions.
Dr. Pilcher also added that the benefits of quality sleep go beyond health and focus. He adds that societal issues like the addiction and overspending can be better managed if one does not suffer from a sleep deficit.