The game Tetris is effective when starting a diet or a smoking cessation cure. Specialists find that the need disappears during withdrawal crises.
Tetris is good for your diet! According to a study by the University of Plymouth (United Kingdom), published on February 21 in the newspaper Appetite, playing this video game allows you to fight against your urge to snack or smoke.
Three minutes is enough
According to the results of the study, conducted within the university, three minutes of play is enough to make people want a snack, a cigarette or a glass of alcohol. Two groups of participants had to detail their cravings. They all specified the strength of their drive, what object it was. The first group waited in front of a game screen, thinking it was charging. The second group played Tetris for three minutes. Then the two groups re-assessed their needs. Among members of the second group, they were on average 24% lower.
Tetris would be a simple and very accessible solution for everyone who wants to give up a bad habit or mental addiction. This is valid for a craving attack during a diet, but also a desire for cigarettes in full withdrawal. “The cravings normally last a few minutes, during which the individual visualizes what he wants and what he will get out of it. Often times, these feelings lead to giving up and consuming what one is trying to resist. But by playing Tetris, for short sessions, you prevent the formation of these attractive images and, without them, the need fades, ”explains Prof. Jackie Andrade, co-author of the study. She refers to the “elaborate intrusion” theory that she developed with Prof. John May and Prof. David Kavanagh.
Block mental images
This theory assumes that episodes of envy represent a cycle. The desire manifests itself. The individual becomes aware of it by creating mental images of this desire, which generates the lack. The more the feeling of lack is vivid, the more the images are.
This theory also applies to natural cravings, such as a little hunger. Tetris interferes with these seizures by stimulating the brain to another visual source. Play also stimulates willpower, which is crucial during withdrawal. “Feeling that you are in control (your cravings) is important in staying motivated, and playing Tetris can help the individual take control when the urges arise.
“It’s a game that anyone can easily access, whether at work or at home, and it replaces the feeling of stress caused by a desire”, summarizes Professor Andrade. At the next dip, you can take out your portable console without feeling guilty.