February 22, 2019.
According to a study published in the journal JAMA Surgery, the use of bariatric surgery by obese people would lastingly improve their sex life.
Bariatric surgery: 75% of men saw their sex life improve
If improving sex life is not the primary goal of bariatric surgery, the fact remains that a positive development in this aspect should be a source of joy, especially since the existence of a such link is now proven. According to a study conducted in the United States and published in the journal JAMA Surgery, five years after the operation, 74% of men said they were better able to have sex than before and 52% said they were more satisfied with their intercourse.
According to the same study, five years after the operation, 41% of women said they had more sexual desire while 35% said they had more intimate relations than before.
Bariatric surgery improves the sex life of 1 in 2 patients
The positive impact of bariatric surgery on sex life is certainly not universal: only half of patients dissatisfied with their sex life, reported feeling an improvement one year later (i.e. 56% of women and 49.2% men). Good news, however: this improvement appears rather lasting, since 73.6% of women and 67.6% of men said they had a better sex life five years after the operation.
The study was carried out on 2,036 patients treated in 16 different American hospitals. The median age of the patients was 47 years and their median body mass index was 45.8.
Anton Kunin
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