Researchers have shown that daily habits such as physical activity or sleep can impact brain activity for up to 15 days.
- Researchers monitored the impact of daily life (sporting activity, sleep, mood, etc.) on the brain and its functioning by following a volunteer every day for 5 months.
- The data collected showed that physical activity and lack of sleep could have an effect on the brain for more than two weeks.
- Changes in mood or heart rate, even slight ones, can also have an effect on brain activity.
Are you stuck on a problem or a file? Go for a run! A new study, carried out by the universities of Aalto and Oulu, shows that physical activity, but also sleep or mood, can have effects on the brain and cognition for more than 15 days.
The results were published in the journal PLOS Biology on October 8, 2024.
Brain and daily life: two types of responses identified
To better understand the impact of daily life on the brain, Finnish researchers monitored the daily brain and behavioral activity of a 33-year-old woman for five months. Biweekly brain scans were performed and data from the volunteer’s wearable devices was analyzed. This unique participant was none other than the head of the research: Ana Triana.
“Her unique role as lead author and study participant added complexity, but also provided first-hand insight into how best to maintain research integrity over several months of custom data collection “assure the authors in their press release.
The results obtained showed, among other things, that the brain does not react to daily life in immediate and isolated bursts. It has, in fact, two response patterns: a short-term wave lasting less than seven days and another long-term one lasting up to fifteen days.
“The former reflects rapid adaptations, such as how concentration is affected by a lack of sleep, but recovers quickly. The long wave suggests more gradual and lasting effects, particularly in areas related to attention and in memory”write the scientists.
Physical activity boosts thinking for up to 15 days
Specifically, physical activity has been found to positively influence the way brain regions interact, promoting memory and cognitive flexibility (thinking). Lack of sleep has a negative impact on the brain. “This suggests that a workout or a rough night from last week could still affect your brain – and therefore your attention, cognition and memory – well into next week.”explain the authors.
Changes in mood or heart rate, even subtle ones, also have an effect on brain function. It can last up to 15 days.
In addition, a close link between heart rate variability and brain connectivity, particularly at rest, has also been observed. Which leads the team to conclude that the effects of a relaxed state – achieved for example through stress management techniques – could shape the brain’s wiring even when the person is not actively focusing on a task.
“Linking brain activity to physiological and environmental data could revolutionize personalized healthcare, paving the way for earlier interventions and better outcomes,” concludes Ana Triana.