Do teens live in a cool way? Everything goes over their legs? Not that much, according to an Ipsos Health and Pfizer Foundation survey. Carried out as part of a study on risky behavior among 798 teenagers aged 15 to 18, we learn in particular that 45% of them often feel under pressure. The origin could be school, according to the survey, since 23% of respondents are victims of violence. But friends moms, rest assured: teens are doing well. 85% talk easily with their parents, and know who to talk to in case of problems. Phew!
Pressure at school, of course, but no boycott of the institution for all that: 72% say they feel good there and go there with the desire to enrich their super brain. With the approach of the bac for some and the patent for others, this is rather good news. Generally, they still point more in history class than in the café next to the school.
A lack of prevention on Internet risks
When it comes to prevention, it all depends on the area. Regarding road safety, the job is done: 93% say they have been informed and a large majority (85%) have received information on sexuality. The same goes for addictions, 72% of them know the risks of cannabis and more than half (69%) are aware of the dangers of alcohol.
But adopting the instructions is another story. 19% claim to have drunk to the point of intoxication in the past 12 months and 11% to have had unprotected sex.
Yet omnipresent among adolescents and dangerous, the great forgotten of prevention remains the Internet. 38% of adolescents have not been made aware of the proper use of Web. 73% of them particularly regret not having been informed of the “social” risks: whether it is suicide or harassment.