January 9, 2019.
According to a recent Finnish study, eating an egg a day would reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
A study conducted for nearly 20 years
Is high egg consumption good or bad for your health? Accused of raising bad cholesterol levels, eggs are the subject of numerous studies. A recent study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research and conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Eastern Finland demonstrated that eating an egg a day may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2DM).
To reach this conclusion, researchers analyzed blood samples from 239 Finnish male participants for 19.3 years. The samples were classified into four groups: subjects with high egg consumption (on average one egg per day), those with low consumption (on average two eggs per week), those who ate eggs and developed type diabetes. 2 and those who ate eggs and remained healthy (control group).
A high level of tyrosine in the blood would predict an increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus
According to the researchers, “ blood samples from men who consumed one egg each day contained certain lipid molecules that were positively associated with the group of healthy men who did not develop diabetes », Can we read in the columns of The Dispatch. Conversely, ” certain metabolites predominant in cases of T2DM positively correlated with those in the low egg intake group and negatively with those in the higher intake group “.
The study also reveals that “ higher baseline tyrosine (amino acid) level predicts higher odds of T2DM “. Additional research will have to be carried out on the subject, however, specify the scientists.
Aurélie Giraud
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