The virtues of olive oil
At the heart of the famous Mediterranean diet, olive oil is recognized for its positive effects on health. Indeed, Mediterranean people have a longer life expectancy than other populations. Rich in polyphenols, olive oil contributes according to Dr. Michel de Lorgeril, cardiologist and author of “The power of omega-3” to reduce the risk of developing: “cancers, degenerative neurological diseases, cardiovascular illnesses and inflammatory diseases “.
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The virtues of rapeseed oil
Very rich in omega-3,Colza oil contains roughly the same types of fatty acids as olive oil. According to the English medical journal “The Lancet”, a diet enriched in particular in alpha-linolenic acid (the main omega-3 present in rapeseed oil) “would reduce by 62% the number of‘heart attacks and 50% the number of” myocardial infarction“.
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What about other oils?
There are many rumors circulating about the alleged benefits ofnut oil orgrape seed oil, supposed to lower diabetes and cholesterol alternately. However, for Dr Michel de Lorgeril, cardiologist, the beneficial effects on the health of these oils are not proven. “To show the benefits of this or that food, we must study the diet of the populations that live the longest, that is to say the Japanese and the mediterranean. In this case, they only consumeolive oil andColza oil even a little soybean oil “.
To remember : Grapeseed, corn and sunflower seed oils are rich in omega-6. However, it has been shown that consuming these fatty acids in large quantities is strongly discouraged.
As for soybean oil for example, Dr Michel de Lorgeril explains: “it contains Omega 3 but they are poorly absorbed and also polyphenols. It’s not that bad… but still worse than olive or rapeseed oil ”.
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Oils are not enough
Obviously, the consumption of these oils alone is not enough to prevent certain diseases. It is part of an alliance between a way of life favorable and eating habits healthy. Michel de Lorgeril advises, for example, “to adopt the Mediterranean diet, which is easier to adapt for the French”. In addition, eat fish often, cook fresh vegetables and fruits, avoid smoking, …
Thanks to Dr Michel de Lorgeril, cardiologist and CNRS researcher.
To go further: “the power of omega-3s” by Dr Michel de Lorgeril and Patricia Salen at Alpen editions.
>> To read also:
The healthiest Cretan diet
Oil in its states
Everything about diet in our Women / Slimming section