Over the 2018-2019 school year, 58 educational staff ended their day, revealed the Ministry of National Education on Tuesday, November 5. Since the start of the school year in September 2019? 11 have already taken their own lives. Moreover, in a recent survey conducted by the Snes-FSU union and relayed by France Info, 73% of secondary school staff believe that their work has had a negative impact on their health in recent months.
In France, the members of the National Education are generally not happy at work. About 8,700 teachers, principal educational advisers, carers of disabled pupils and educational assistants were interviewed by the union. Only 18% of them come home from their day feeling they have done their job satisfactorily.
Loss of business sense
This Wednesday, November 6, an exceptional meeting of the health, safety and working conditions committee (CHSCT) was held. The union points out the dysfunctions: the workload is intensifying for 93% of those questioned. To the point that 14% of them were stopped by a doctor.
The physical and mental health of French education personnel is undermined by the system. For a pay that is too low, say 94% of those questioned. Not to mention a loss of sense of the profession (more than three quarters of those questioned), in deteriorating conditions.
Faced with the many suicides observed since the start of the 2018 school year, Jean-Michel Blanquer promised to deploy a “local human resources management” service with more prevention and occupational doctors.
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The duration of work stoppages on the rise
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