Easy, delicious and healthy, here’s a recipe to make Oatmeal with apples and nuts

Practical information
- Total time: 15 min
- Preparation time: 15 min
- Number of people: 4
- Difficulty: Easy
- Cost: Economical
- Type of cooking: Slow cooking
- Type: Dessert
- Category: Beverage
- Nutritional criteria: Antioxidant, Low calories, High in fiber, Egg-free,
- Pour the milk and agave syrup into a saucepan. Bring to the boil then add the oatmeal in rain.
- Lower the heat and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens.
- Remove from the fire. Cut the apples into quarters, remove the seeds and dice each quarter.
- Crack the nuts, collect the shards.
- Mix half the apples and walnuts with the flakes, divide into ramekins and dispatter the rest of the apples and walnuts on the porridge. Serve lukewarm.
Health tips
Oatmeal is distinguished by an excellent protein and fiber content, especially soluble. They give the preparation a satiating, very creamy texture.